web design trends
Tips from our marketing agency spain2brain
responsive web design:
Responsive web design makes your web page look amazing on all devices and gives a great user experience. Utilising CSS and HTML to resize, hide, shrink, enlarge, or move the content to make it look good on any screen. Much of the websites aren’t optimized for this. non responsive web design will worsen the google ranking.
flat design:
flat design is dispensed with a realistic representation of textures, embellishments, drop shadows and three-dimensional elements and the approach “less is more” persecuted.
make it BIG:
design a *cinematic* look of your webpage!
loading time:
loading time should be as fast as possible. When it comes to delivering the best user experience to your users, slow and steady page load times just won’t do.
keep the webpage simple and stupid. No one is interested in studying a webpage before using
google maps:
always useful and nice to find your location 🙂
sticky menus:
A Sticky Menu is a kind of a menu that stays glued to the top of the screen while you scroll. Like it or not, it’s becoming a standard for one-pagers.
parallax effect:
designers use page scrolling or mouse movement to animate elements or properties of the page
visual metaphor describing the way in which their product works. You are presented with one fragment of the story at a time.
You can see an example on our website:
Author: Michael Brik, spain2brain